Pledge To Reduce Insurance Rates As Important As Lowering Gas Prices

Pledge To Reduce Insurance Rates As Important As Lowering Gas Prices

The federal government made investing in increased development of the Alberta oilsands a top priority for the future of the Canadian economy.  One of the goals of increased oilsands investments is to help reduce the cost of gasoline for Canadian drivers, who are paying rates that average 

Investing Tips for Beginners

Investing Tips for Beginners

“Investing” is a scary word for many people, enough to let their money sitting in their bank accounts for years. These people might have no idea on how to invest except that does not justify letting the value of your money drop year over year 

Dream Condo Found? Read the Mortgage Fine Print

Dream Condo Found? Read the Mortgage Fine Print

Are you thinking of buying a Condo? It’s a big commitment, one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Getting your mortgage approved may well seem like the most difficult step on the road to your dream home, but amidst finding the best mortgage rates don’t forget to read 

Shopping for Home Insurance? Find the Best Rates!

Shopping for Home Insurance? Find the Best Rates!

Whether you are in the process of purchasing a home for the first time or are simply tired of overpaying for your current home owner’s insurance, you may very well find yourself shopping around for the best home insurance rates on the market today. After 

Important Types of Personal Insurance

Important Types of Personal Insurance

Everyone knows that it is important to make sure you are properly insured, as not having the right insurance means you could be left with hefty bills in the event of an emergency. Even if you never need to make use of your personal insurance, 

How To Prepare For Higher Mortgage Rates

How To Prepare For Higher Mortgage Rates

Yesterday, the bank of Canada went ahead and raised the prime rate for a second time in a row. The prime rate is now 2.75%. Regardless of what the rate predictions are for next year, the numbers will be reviewed more than once until then. 

Why I choose to pay down the mortgage faster instead of investing

Why I choose to pay down the mortgage faster instead of investing

Back in the summer of 2008 I bought my house and went with a variable rate mortgage at prime – 0.50. When I picked my mortgage I did not expect seeing the subsequent economic events unfolding. I did not think I would go through 50 

Canadian REITS: Yours to Discover

Canadian REITS: Yours to Discover

Last week I covered 3 investment ideas for 2011which included REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts, pronounced “reets”) as a sector that could witness further gains as yield hungry investors look for a place to park their money. What is a REIT? A REIT is a company 

My Fixed or Variable Mortgage Rate Decision

My Fixed or Variable Mortgage Rate Decision

Back in 2008, I opted for a variable mortgage rate and it has proven to be the best decision ever. My rate is currently at 2.50%, a substantial drop from the starting point of 4.25% in 2008. With less than a year to go before 

Why Electric Cars Won’t Kill Oil Anytime Soon

Why Electric Cars Won’t Kill Oil Anytime Soon

I came across an interesting article recently where Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault-Nissan Alliance, forecasts the number of EV vehicles sold in 2020 to comprise 10%.  It turns out that this is the most optimistic prediction there is out there right now on EV take rates. That